Friday, June 7, 2013

Mary Macgill. Artist Extraordinaire.

I had the incredible pleasure and honor to hang out with my friend Mary today who is such a talented and beautifully inspiring jewelry designer. I met her years ago on Block Island...our common thread which binds people without words...and having her here in San Francisco has been such a treat.

I have always wanted to create jewelry alongside my landscapes on canvas and over the years have collected beads, shells (above), and all sorts of random things to possibly "use" one day...

Mary took the time with me to teach me about drilling and all that would go into creating some of these pieces I have in my mind. It is so incredible when like minded artists come together and appreciate each other's talents and can never stop being inspired. I drilled my first shell today with her and wrapped some leather through it. Just the beginning but looking forward to a summer filled with sketching, watercolours and now some jewelry making---a little more rustic style than Mary's divine work, but hey---it's a start.

Be inspired: