Friday, February 28, 2014

Tucked In 30 X 40"

(barn detail)

Monday, February 24, 2014

In the Post ...

After coming home from a few days away in the snow and mountains, I returned to a pile of bills, catalogs, newspapers-- and then this wonderful beautiful piece of colourful mail slipped out from under it all...I couldn't believe my eyes. A handwritten, hand painted,  stunning piece of art and such beautiful words attached -from a very old great friend of mine. This is a gift that will fill my bucket up for a long long time. Thank you sweet Jenn.

Together in Nature.

Shades of Green.

On a wonderful hike in the mountains, I came across these amazing bits of nature which just moved me with their incredible shades of green.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Up on the mountain.

This tree caught my attention and great admiration yesterday. I had to stop and stare at it for a while...imagining it growing on this large rock year after year, it's roots finding their way to hold on while letting it's branches reach out towards that stunning blue sky.


This piece was made by Rae Dunn who is a wonderfully talented ceramicist in Berkeley.
 I find myself picking this "rock" up often to remind myself of the important message.

Thursday, February 13, 2014


 A few weeks back I had the wonderful opportunity to do a quick turn around trip to Nantucket. I was meeting with a few potential and wonderful places in which to show my landscapes next summer and I had the luck of a little snow and lots of sunshine....I had only been once before and that was at the ripe age of forgetfulness at 17 for a high school graduation party...needless to say I didn't notice all the incredible vistas and details of this Island. I always told myself that I would visit it off season to really see it without the whale covered pants and crowds. 
The Island was beautifully serene and quiet with maybe a couple pubs and stores open. I felt as though I had it all to myself and I LOVED it. I'm not sure how I would feel about it in August though. This was just the experience I was hoping for. And the potential places to show my work were wonderful.

The Ocean Life 16 X 12"