Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Four Eleven Gallery in Provincetown...

I had a beautiful day wandering Provincetown photographing details of the historic saltboxes and taking in all the colour by the sea...Just before I got back to my car, I came across possibly my favorite gallery in town called the Four Eleven Gallery. The owner - Liz Carney - was just as delightful and I feel like she has such an incredible sensibility with the artists she has chosen to represent. Her gallery space is a charming beautiful clean back drop for the artists below that were hanging...and if ever in Provincetown, an absolute must:

Four Eleven Gallery
411 Commercial Street
Provincetown, MA

This painting is by Helen Grimm- she has created a beautiful series of abstract landscapes that I fell in love with...the frames are recycled beach fences from Truro which add such a textural element to her work. 

Beautiful colors and architectural landscapes by Peter Hocking...

And more from Helen Grimm below...

 Clearly I wanted to actually hold each one...

Brigid Watson above and below was just phenomenal...the depth of texture, her sense of color and space...

Liz Carney is so talented herself and here is one of her pieces as well...

More of Helen  Grimm pieces outside the gallery greeting you at the entrance...

Janine Evers....stunning colorful abstracts...

 And a new abstract collage artist by Cheryl on paper...